
Getting kids moving can have an amazing effect on academic outcomes

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Physical activity is often seen as a crucial part of maintaining children’s health, but its benefits extend far beyond the playground. There is a compelling connection between staying active and excelling academically.

Getting kids moving is not just about burning energy; it’s about igniting the brain. Studies have shown that aerobic activities such as running and swimming enhance memory, attention, and cognitive functions in children. A stronger body means a sharper brain.

Physical activity not only encourages our hippocampus to grow, but also imparts essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and goal-setting. Moki is not just about individual success; it’s about creating a thriving, active, and inclusive community where every child has a place on the team.

With Moki’s active learning, we’re not just getting kids moving; we’re setting them up for a lifetime of success.

Let Moki help you get your class moving

Moki inspires schools to move more by providing an accurate picture of their physical activity. Using a simple, fun-to-wear wristband that records a student’s steps and active minutes, Moki offers educators a new way to engage children in their health and wellbeing. 

  • Inspire all children to move more, not just through sports and PE
  • A distraction-free wristband with no screen
  • Show the impact of your school’s health and wellbeing strategy with real data 
  • Create engaging challenges and activities that motivate children to move
  • Give every child ownership of their personal development with tailored reports

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