Peter Poulton has worked at schools across Asia, including South Korea and Myanmar, and he joined the Taipei European School as Head of Physical Education in 2019.

A universal tool for a universal problem

Moki is expanding fast into different parts of the world, and it’s been fascinating to see how different physical activity patterns emerge in different countries.

Peter says it is well-established that many primary school children in the region do not get enough physical activity, so he is always looking at new ways to bring active learning to the curriculum. The school has bought two Moki class packs, and is rotating them every week across Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

“The key thing for us is simplicity. I didn’t need loads of complex features, I just needed a way to count the steps. All the software is already set up in the Moki app, so it was very easy to get up and running.”

“I also love the fact that the bands are so robust, and because they are rubber, we don’t have to worry about damages or injuries! The children can leave them on all day.”

A little friendly competition

Moki has helped to engage and motivate the children across the curriculum. In maths, for example, Moki graphs and charts have encouraged them to look at numbers in a different way, while PE lessons are now greeted with great enthusiasm as children vie to boost their individual step counts!

“We have made Moki a central part of our House competitions, and devised other little challenges to keep everyone interested. There are so many different ways you can measure the Moki data. We have awards for the top three boys and girls, as well as class and year group prizes which are presented at weekly assemblies.”

“The kids have really got into the spirit of things, and we have been able to track their physical activity using real data for the first time.”

Changing a mindset

Taipei European School

Peter says that schools in Asia typically approach PE slightly differently to the UK, so it has been challenging in the past to get teachers and families interested in active learning initiatives.

“In Asia, there is definitely more of an emphasis on the academic side of learning, so, for me, Moki has been a way of changing the mindset and introducing physical activity in an accessible way. The great thing is, that once the children and their families are on board, they give it everything. There is a spirit and competitive edge that you don’t necessarily get in the UK and other parts of the world.”

“Most rewarding of all is that, often, the children are competing with themselves, more than any wider peer group. They set themselves targets, like trying to beat yesterday’s score.”

“Most children only have a vague understanding of the health benefits of physical activity, but Moki is a tool that gives them tangible data and achievable goals that motivate them to stay active. For me, as Head of PE, that is incredibly important.”

To learn more about Moki, check out their website, or email us with any questions.

East Kingston Elementary School is undergoing a language education transformation. Faced with budget constraints and the challenge of meeting students’ diverse language interests, the school turned to Transparent Language Online (TLO), the leading language learning platform used by school, public and academic libraries worldwide.

TLO offers a range of 120 languages and 35 ESL courses, covering reading, writing, listening, and speaking – a comprehensive approach not found in other platforms. This unique feature made it the perfect solution for East Kingston Elementary, where students showed interest in less commonly taught languages like Vietnamese, posing a challenge in finding local instructors.

With TLO’s Connect program, East Kingston piloted an online language-learning initiative that combined live instruction with self-guided study. Students engaged with languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, reflecting their diverse interests and goals, from family heritage to future travel aspirations.

The results of the pilot program have been outstanding. Students have shown increased enthusiasm for language learning, entering the language lab excited to interact with Transparent Connect instructors. The flipped classroom approach, where students complete self-guided activities before live sessions, has proved to be a fun and engaging way to boost confidence and preparedness, leading to more effective communication in the target language.

Second language instruction extends beyond mere linguistic proficiency. It helps communication among students from diverse backgrounds, fostering friendships and the exchange of ideas, facilitating collaboration and mutual learning. This cultural understanding enables students to appreciate their peers’ backgrounds and fosters a sense of inclusivity and respect within the school community.

The success of TLO at East Kingston Elementary School shows the power of innovative language learning solutions in inspiring students, fostering engagement, and preparing them for a diverse and interconnected world.

  • Successfully applied and won an Ad Grant via a community library
  • Brought over 40% more visitors to the library website each month
  • Exposed the library catalog to Google searches
  • 86% increase in visitors to the library’s YouTube channel

In January 2021, DCA and Koios approached Oldham libraries with an offer of a free pilot, to explore the potential of setting up a Google Ad Grant campaign for a UK library. Working with Delph Community Association, one of Oldham’s community-run branches, we were able to successfully apply for and secure an Ad Grant. 

Koios started running a Google Ads program for Oldham Library in July 2021, with major campaigns for YouTube and the library’s online catalog. A view of January 2022 shows a healthy account, which attracted over over 8,000 new visitors in 30 days, an in-kind value from Google of $9,942 (of $10,000 available monthly). Most of these new visitors were brought to the library’s online catalog, a resource which is normally invisible to regular online searches.

Koios 30-day performance dashboard, showing 8,175 clicks with in-kind value of $9,942

Bringing in New People  

Koios’ deployment of the Google Ad Grant brought 6,000 new visitors to Oldham Library’s website in the space of one month. Koios also used the Ad Grant to promote the library’s YouTube channel, which was extremely successful. The campaign started in July, 2021, and volume increased dramatically, with January 2022 impressions (number of views for the library’s YouTube ad) up 500%.

Online search is open to anyone with access to a smartphone or computer, so the people Koios bring to the library represent a broad range of communities. Demographics show a tilt toward younger people – for which YouTube clicks can take responsibility. 

Most of the people who were brought to Oldham Library’s website through this pilot were those who would not usually think of their library or know what resources it has. Through Koios, the library was able to reach a new, younger and more diverse group of users and let them know that they have what they were looking for.

Proof of Concept 

The library’s Koios-managed account generated thousands of clicks on ads, introducing new visitors to the library and its resources. 

Libraries have hundreds of thousands of individual resources that people searching online are interested in – if they can find them. Koios makes those resources visible, and reintroduces people to their own public library.

‘We are grateful to Oldham Libraries for participating in this pilot, which showed that a UK library can successfully apply for and secure an Ad Grant via associated non-profit bodies. Koios were able to help make the Ad Grant work grant work very effectively – spending nearly the full $10,000 per month that Google allocates to grantees. Our experience with Oldham proved that working with Koios can create a significant increase in discovery and visibility of library resources and programming. This in turn should help drive usage and so protect library budgets and jobs.’

Peter Velikonja of Koios

‘For libraries to survive and thrive, people have to be made aware that they exist. We wanted to show that a Google Ad Grant is a great way to reach beyond the library’s existing patron base to attract a younger, more diverse demographic. Google is where we start searching for the things we want, so it makes sense to put the library there. And we showed we can do that.’

Barney Allan of DCA London

With Koios free 60-day trial, we’ll set up and manage your Ad Grant for the trial period — and the Ad Grant is yours to keep should you decide to manage it on your own.  

Already have a Google Ad Grant? Let us do a free review with recommendations to improve performance. 

Get in touch today – 

Set up your demo call here for anytime, or meet us at PLA (booth #847).

You can also email us directly if you have any questions.