Higher Education
DCA academic partners offer content and tools that help librarians in the education sector provide better support for students and faculty. The ability to deliver interactive, measurable, and instructive activities helps engage learners and enhances the learning experience.
Our premium e-content includes science databases, health training ebooks and video, literature texts and video, digital skills and study skills training resources and reference databases.
Scroll down to request a trial or demo of any of our products.
Films On Demand‘s platform provides users with the content, tools, speed, and performance that today’s online experience demands.
Films On Demand know that content matters. This video library has been assembled not just with a focus on volume, but also with a discerning eye for quality and relevance. It is the result of decades of careful curating with a single guiding principle: providing every academic department on campus with the most essential video titles for their field of study. Plus, Films On Demand titles have won numerous awards, including Peabody, CLIO, Telly, Emmy®, CINE Golden Eagle Award, Video Librarian Best Documentary, FREDDIE Award, and many more!
Library Benefits:
- A comprehensive, curriculum-focused video subscription providing unlimited access to thousands of videos
- Videos can be easily added to LibGuides, distance education courses, social media platforms, and learning management systems
- Free MARC records for every video
- Limited performance rights in educational settings
- No copyright infringement worries
- Build your own sliders and add your institution’s custom video content and YouTube content to the Films On Demand platform
- Comprehensive admin portal, with COUNTER 5 reporting and SUSHI exporting
- Uses HTTPS, a requirement for many new browser features, to help protect the security and privacy of our users
Faculty Benefits:
- Stimulate and reinforce in-class lectures or introduce a new topic
- Encourage open discussion on key issues and topics
- Embed persistent and authenticated video clips into course management systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, D2L (Desire2Learn), and Canvas
- Create and share playlists using premade clips, full videos, or custom segments—a great way to engage students and perfect for off-hours viewing and distance learning
- Save favorite videos to a personal folder
- Add a personalized video introduction to any playlist you create to provide an overview or give context
- Create interactive video quizzes using full videos, segments, custom content, and Web Channels—an excellent tool for remote education and assessments
Student Benefits:
- Find inspiration and material for research papers and presentations
- Captioning and interactive, searchable transcripts on all titles
- Keyword tags for all content, linking to related material
- Featured series pages highlight popular and selected content
- Multiple search filters can be selected for more targeted results
- Follow up on a clip used by a professor in class and watch the rest of the video
- Get citations for all videos in MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and APA formats, with up-to-date citation creation and export
- View videos anywhere, 24/7
- Mobile app available for Apple iOS and Android
- Share, save, and organize videos and playlists
- Infinite scrolling
- Toggle to switch between Dark and Light modes
- Full language support with Google Translate on all descriptions, transcripts, and navigation
- Searchable Support Center with valuable help materials, how-to tips, tutorials, and live help chat.
Credo Reference: Complete Core helps users of all backgrounds and skill levels locate the information they need.
Students gathering sources for an assignment, lifelong learners investigating their passions, and individuals looking for context around the events shaping the headlines will all find answers with this easy-to-use database.
With hundreds of searchable, full-text titles from the world’s foremost publishers, Credo Reference: Complete Core covers every major subject.
Broaden your library’s instructional reach with standards-aligned multimedia content that can be used in courses, one-shot sessions, and at the point of need. Information Literacy – Core (also known as InfoLit – Core) uses innovative technology and proven pedagogy to build essential information literacy and critical-thinking skills that will help students thrive in their academic careers and beyond. Furthermore, the Credo Insights analytics tool allows you to measure student outcomes and demonstrate the value of foundational skills instruction at your institution.
- Teach students essential foundational skills that are shown to impact retention, GPA levels, graduation rates, and overall student success.
- Engage users with high-quality videos and tutorials on topics of profound importance to their current studies and lifelong goals.
- Simplify collaboration with faculty by providing in-demand instructional content that is easy to embed in learning management systems and LibGuides.
- Save time and resources compared to creating materials from scratch.
- Devote more time to hands-on instruction by using multimedia to “flip the class.”
- Assess student progress and adjust your instruction strategy based on real evidence.
- Maintain accreditation requirements around information literacy and critical thinking standards.
- Multimedia content: 100+ customizable e-learning objects support librarians’ teaching of information literacy and critical-thinking skills.
- Flexibility: InfoLit – Core lets users mix and match tutorials, videos, and quizzes to address the demands of different courses and specific students.
- Customization: Tailor InfoLit – Core to your institution’s specific needs with on-demand customization of tutorials, quizzes, and student platform.
- Information Literacy Standards: InfoLit – Core materials align with multiple standards, including the ACRL standards, SCONUL 7 pillars, ANZIIL standards, and the AAC&U Information Literacy VALUE Rubric.
- Credo Insights: With InfoLit – Core, useres can measure student progress with robust analytics for assessment and usage reporting.
- Drill down into the data on specific quizzes, questions, and answer choices.
- See specific students’ and classes’ performance on particular assessments and over time.
- Generate usage reports for the number of students using the platform as well as the frequency of their usage.
- Filter and compare reports by month and by course.
- Combine any number of filters for the exact report you need using Insights’ business analytics engine and dynamically generated reports.
- Illustrate the value of foundational skills instruction to other stakeholders at your institution.
- Faculty Engagement Module: Faculty-focused content is included in InfoLit – Core, alongside ready-made teaching guides with activity ideas, discussion topics, and standards mapping.
- Tutorials and videos cover faculty-centered topics such as “Why Information Literacy Matters.”
- Resources provide best practices and processes for designing effective research assignments.
- Additional materials (including fliers and PDFs) help librarians market InfoLit – Core internally to their faculty.
- Teaching Guides accompany each module and include suggestions on how to align assets to course syllabi.
- Technical “how-to’s” explain the process for embedding assets in course pages and LibGuides.
- Templates help faculty integrate assets with research assignments and curriculum mapping.
- Administrator dashboard: InfoLit – Core lets users conveniently manage assessment downloads and tutorial/quiz customizations.
- Integration options: The Credo Courseware platform offers a wide range of integration options, including LibGuides and learning management systems (D2L, Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, etc). Each item may be added as a digital object, and assessments may be integrated into instructors’ gradebooks.
- Instructor access to Credo Insights via LTI: Instructors may access Credo Insights to see student assessment data for themselves, in addition to seeing the grades in their LMS gradebook.
- FERPA compliance: To ensure students’ privacy, the Credo Courseware platform is fully FERPA-compliant.
- ADA compliance: InfoLit – Core is fully ADA-compliant, enabling accessibility for all learners.
Bloom’s Literature
Bloom’s Literature is rich with relevant multi-media content on core authors and works, multicultural classics, contemporary literature, and more. Students will find exactly what they need for research and deeper learning without having to wade through an uncurated search. Professors will appreciate the thoughtful organization and important assets—including videos, proprietary essay topics and discussion questions, and valuable writing guidance—that can be used in lectures or for independent study.
- More than 800 full-length videos of great literary works, from comedies to dramas to musicals—including Hamlet (starring David Tennant), Death of a Salesman (starring Lee J. Cobb), Julius Caesar (starring John Gielgud), and The Glass Menagerie (starring Katharine Hepburn)—that engage students and make the literature come to life, highlighting character interaction and pivotal plot devices that might be harder to discover in just the written word. Also included are video clips featuring major scholars such as Harold Bloom discussing important literary topics.
- Literary Classics eBook shelf containing the full contents of more than 1,000 classic works of literature including the essential works of the most important authors in world history and literature. Researchers can filter these titles by type of work to find what they need.
- Specific, student-friendly guidance on how to write good essays on the most assigned authors and works, offering students strategies and ideas on how to add an extra dimension to their writing.
- All-new Shakespeare Center houses a treasure trove of content on all things Shakespeare. Every play is covered in depth, along with the sonnets and longer poems, providing a complete research and study center for students and researchers and a robust repository of content for professors to use for lectures and assignments. Comprehensive essays provide history and context to Shakespeare’s life, times, and impact.
- Authors: a wealth of content on the finest contemporary and classic writers from around the world. Authors can be browsed by name, nationality, type, and dates of birth and death.
- Works: overviews, synopses, analyses, and literary criticism of thousands of works. The most studied works are featured on the home page and can also be accessed via a tab in the Works Index. Works can be browsed by title, genre, author or publication date.
- Characters: packed with information on more than 49,000 major and minor literary characters.. The “Find a Character” tab allows users to search for a character by name or by work.
- Topics and themes: features in-depth entries on literary movements, groups, periodicals, and historical events.
- Author interviews from Publishers Weekly with more than 4,800 interviews and profiles, from 1989 to the present. Bloom’s also features more than 250 podcasts of Publishers Weekly Radio, featuring audio interviews. Researchers can now not only read about these great authors but also hear them speak in their own voices.
- Essay topics: more than 10,000 topics providing research and writing suggestions on a range of literary topics. These topics are designed to inspire students and researchers to think critically, delve deeper, and ask (and answer) fresh, new questions. Professors can use them as a starting point for lectures and classroom discussions or assign them for independent study.
- Full-text poems and stories: Students and researchers can find more than 2,600 full-text, searchable poems and more than 100 classic short stories in Bloom’s Literature.
Science Online
With a wealth of content and a dynamic design that facilitates STEM research and learning, the award-winning Science Online offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines.
Topic Centers feature specially selected content on core science disciplines to help researchers find a starting point for their research.
Users can also access the full, updated content of unique science eLearning Modules, which target a variety of core topics and feature valuable Educator Support materials for seamless in-class integration.
Today’s Science
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries—giving in-depth explanations of important advances in biology, chemistry, the environment, space, physics, and technology.
Featured articles offer easy access to related content such as crossword puzzles, cartoons, and questions; additional articles that help place news and discoveries in context; and interviews with scientists that bring the research to life.
An extensive backfile dating back to 1992 illustrates how one scientific advance leads to another; the stories focus on the questions scientists ask themselves and, in doing so, reinforce science educators’ traditional emphasis on the scientific method.
Niche Academy is a valuable tool for academic libraries aiming to enhance student success and demonstrate their contribution to the blended learning experience.
It addresses several challenges faced by academic librarians in measuring their impact and delivering effective instruction. Here’s how Niche Academy can help:
- Interactive Instruction: Niche Academy enables librarians to create interactive instruction with quizzes, activities, and response prompts. This interactivity enhances student engagement and promotes active learning.
- Integration with campus LMS: Niche’s LTI functionality enables librarians to link to course content and tools provided by third-party systems, allowing libraries to offer their instruction within existing courses in the campus LMS. This integration ensures that librarians can directly interact with learners and track learning outcomes while preserving visibility into student progress.
- Customization for Teaching Faculty: Niche Academy facilitates the creation of customized instruction tailored to specific courses. Teaching faculty can easily request instructional content that aligns with their curriculum, enabling librarians to provide targeted support.
- Continual Updates: Niche Academy offers a vast library of over 2000 ready-made tutorials that cover a wide range of topics. Importantly, libraries can easily create their own tutorials using Niche, ensuring that the training material is always up to date with the latest resources and information.
By leveraging Niche Academy, academic libraries can efficiently and affordably deploy a comprehensive solution for interactive library instruction and student support. It helps librarians make a stronger case for their impact on student success and fosters high job satisfaction by focusing on impactful work such as information literacy instruction.
Niche Academy is already being used by over 1000 library systems worldwide.